Anna Pavlova's Response About Her Body

Photo Credit: Anna Pavlova wearing form fitting costume demonstrating that she was not "gaunt" 1910 From Anna Pavlova Her Life & Her Art By Keith Money 

The press always questioned Anna Pavlova on her diet, her weight, and her size. Some reporters even used words such as she was gaunt or too skinny, which back then what was considered a dancer's body was short and solid. Pavlova was the opposite of that body type. Male reporters even asked her questions about her legs.

"I have been asked why it is that I haven't muscular legs like other dancers, considering that my technique is as good as it is. The reason, I think is that those other dancers are always seeking to astonish by fears of force, strength, and dexterity. They are not supple and they are not plastic. They do not recognize often the differences between different kinds of dances. A dancer should be able to change his manner with every costume, and this what Mr. Mordkin and I try to do. We have enjoyed our success in America very much, and we shall be very glad to back in the fall". - Quote from Anna Pavlova answering Male reporter's questioning why she doesn't have a dancer's legs.

Pavlova got to the point that she wanted to show the press they were wrong about her body, so she posed in a skin-tight costume to show her body to the reporters that she was not gaunt, which was her answer to the press.

At a meeting with the press, Pavlova was asked by a reporter about her diet.

The reporter commented before Pavlova could answer, saying, "You must survive on a diet of rose petals."

 Anna Pavlova replied tartly, "I prefer German Cooking." - Quote from Anna Pavlova to Reporters.

Pavlova was naturally slender from a young age. People always saw her as frail as a child, but she ended up strengthening her body by doing ballet.  Anna Pavlova was not doing anything to cause herself to be naturally thin. If anything, the meals that were documented she ate were always heavy, so the press saying anything like she didn't eat is entirely untrue if you read the facts.

I noticed Anna Pavlova never let the press get the best of her, and she usually would turn the tables on them, asking them the same question they were asking her, and a lot of the time, the reporters were baffled by their questions.

I find it clever that Pavlova responded to the reporters about her body with a photo of herself.   The picture sent the message loud and clear that the press was wrong about her body and the image was the proof.


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